Delphi’s Story

Delphi came to the DSPCA from another rescue to find a loving home. He was just the sweetest boy who adored being around people and fancied himself as a bit of a lapdog. Delphi is deaf and this did make it a little more difficult for him to find a home but we knew his perfect humans were out there somewhere. He waited 159 days to find them… but boy was his wait worth it!

Being deaf didn’t stop Delphi from being and happy playful and loving dog. People who met him were worried about him being more difficult but he has settled right into his home and he is the perfect dog!

There is a dog out there for everyone, you just need to be opened minded and when you visit the DSPCA please talk to our Adoptions team and they will find the perfect dog for you

Delphi’s Story

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